KQM 100K Celebration Event

Before we get into 100k, let’s start with a bit of history. KeqingMains was created by Doug in October 2020 after he noticed the KQM subreddit, which was owned by oofxFrozen, and decided to create a discord server for the subreddit. Doug also created Diluc Mains at the time, which was handed over.
Doug’s attention was mostly focused on KQM because he was involved in the creation of its Theorycrafting Library, or TCL. The TCL was a gigantic Google document that detailed all the mechanics discovered by people in KQM. The document was integral to attracting many theorycrafters such as Jinjinx, Tenten, Zajef, Kleeful, Zanto, and more; it was modeled like an academic journal with findings being reviewed and verified. At this point, the three active administrators were Doug, Boesik, and ColaSenami.
In December of 2020, the Teyvat Collective Network (TCN) was created, with the primary intention of creating high-quality Character Mains servers for future and existing characters. The founding members were KQM, Diluc Mains, and Childe Mains, which was a server initially conceived in KQM’s Childe temporary banner discussion channel and formed after the channel closed. In this month, KQM also began hosting livetranslation streams. Before Inazuma, all CN patch livestreams would occur a few hours before EN streams, so KQM would translate the streams for any viewers wanting a slightly earlier taste of what was to come.
In January, KQM underwent a restructuring. It was split into multiple different sections, including Leaks, Theorycrafting, and Events. all with their own team leads. KQM is not a single entity, but rather a community composed of many different subcommunities, with the change reflecting that.
Also in early 2020, the Theorycrafting Library was moved from the original Google Doc to the KeqingMains website, which also hosted character guides. This was also when Artesians, the current KQM TC head, managed to “solve” the ICD system, with KQM beginning to document how Elemental Gauges worked in Genshin.
In March and April, KQM held its first massive giveaway event, the 40k event. This event celebrated KQM passing 40,000 server members, and it was a team event with three teams: Doug’s Dimmadome, Thunderclap Feet, and Flat Teyvat Society. Each team competed for first place, with Doug’s Dimmadome coming out on top.
Since April, KQM has worked on producing more guides in-house, in addition to expanding its reach on other social media platforms. We have an active Twitch and Youtube, and have frequently collaborated with other content creators to produce the KQM Roundtable Podcast, which has hundreds of thousands of cumulative views.
KQM has come a long way, and none of this would be possible without its community. Whether I worked with you on making new discoveries, talked with you in one of KQM’s subcommunities, or never interacted with you at all, I’d like to thank you for helping contribute to KQM’s growth. I’d also like to give special thanks to Reens and ZSK for helping me plan this event – it couldn’t have happened without them. <3
– Ayzel
All participants will be randomly sorted into one of three teams. Each team will have one team leader who is democratically elected. Each team captain will also have their own vice captains, whom they’ll choose from their teams. After participants are sorted into their respective teams, each team will be able to pick their own name and have the opportunity to design their own logo.
If you are a member of a team, placing in an event will contribute points towards your team. Points will slowly accumulate over the course of the event, and at the end of the event, the team with the most points will win the competition! The winning team will have its members entered into a raffle, with active team members getting multiple raffle entries.
For this event, we will be giving out over 1k USD in prizes. Each event will have its own rewards, with most events giving out Welkins to winners. Winners are also able to convert the prize money won from Welkins to other things which are monetarily equivalent (Nitro Classic, Battle Pass if two Welkins won, etc.) so long as it can be redeemed by Doug.
If you want to donate to the prize pool, feel free to use our Streamlabs donation link (https://streamlabs.com/keqingmains/tip), our Ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/keqingmains) or contact Doug.
Let’s get into the events! All events will occur from February 26th to March 26th, and event winners will win prizes and get team points or team point scaling. There are two types of events: Normal Events and Arena Events. Normal Events are submission-based, with the user who makes the best submission for their event winning. Some examples include Fanfic, Fanart, Best TC Meme Ticket, and Numbers per Screenshot. Normal events grant points to the winners. Arena Events are live; some examples include Kahoot, Spot the Keqing, and Fishing.
Normal Events
Team Logo Design
Prize Distribution: 2/1/1 Welkins
Team Point Distribution: 60/40/20 Points
Every team needs an identifier, and the 100k teams are no different. In this event, each team will design and submit a logo. The winning logo from each team will win welkin prizes, while the team with the best overall logo will win team points.
Submission Rules: Every participant is free to design a logo, and the judges will pick the best logos out of each team. The best logos from each of the three teams will then be pitted against each other, with the best of the three logos winning team points.
Submission Link:
Team 1 https://forms.gle/xit3oUMPLdTe4pi58
Team 2 https://forms.gle/NzgpxxrBWrejyMXC7
Team 3 https://forms.gle/zXqatgtXKRoauYkq5
KQM Fanfic
Prize Distribution: 4/2/2 Welkins
Team Point Distribution: 60/40/20 Points
Over the past year in Genshin Impact, we’ve been introduced to a lot of characters, all with their own backgrounds and histories. In the 100k event, writers who want to use the unique landscape given by Teyvat to situate these characters in a story of their own making will be able to compete in the KQM 100k fanfiction contest.
Submission Rules:
- Safe for work
- Has to be genshin related (set in Teyvat, or have genshin characters in the story)
- Breaks in the story are welcome, but please limit your submission to a one chapter story.
- 500 – 15k word limit
- Can be any genre
- A panel of judges will vote for the top 3
- Please double check grammar before you submit! Readability is important.
Fanart Contest
Prize Distribution: 4/2/2 Welkins
Team Point Distribution: 60/40/20 Points
Calling all talented artists! Art is one of the core features of Genshin Impact, and we’re keen on seeing the art that our talented community members can produce. Submit your original fanart here to earn rewards!
Submission Rules:
- Safe for work
- Fanart must be original
- One of the top 3 entries must feature Keqing
- A panel of judges will vote for the top 3
- Can be hand drawn or digital
Fanvideo Contest
Prize Distribution: 4/2/2 Welkins
Team Point Distribution: 60/40/20 Points
A large portion of the Genshin community is centered around Youtube, with KQM not being an exception. This is partially because we have so many talented video editors in the Genshin community, and we’re inviting these editors to show off their skills in the fanvideo contest!
Submission Rules:
- Entries must be SFW
- Videos must be 2 minutes in length or shorter
- Videos must be original
- Videos must be KQM-related or Genshin-related
Meme Contest
Prize Distribution: 2/1/1 Welkins
Team Point Distribution: 60/40/20 Points
One part of every event is the memes which it spawns. In this event, participants will be judged on their meme creations, which can be either genshin-related or KQM-related. The team with the best memes will win team points, and the best individual memes will win prizes!
Submission Rules:
- Must be SFW
- Memes go into 100k-specific starboard to be entered
- Memes should be genshin-related or KQM-related
- Memes should be images, gifs, or 20s videos at the longest.
- Panel of 5 judges will each choose their 5 favorite memes
- The best individual memes will win welkins, and the team who gets the most “points” from the panel (each judge will give 5 points to their favorite meme, 4 points to second-favorite, etc.) will win points
- Memes must be original
Arena Events
Arena events do not have monetary rewards and will, in week three and week four, award point multipliers to first, second, and third place finishers rather than flat points. The points awarded are as follows:
Week 1 Arena Events: 30/20/10 (Additive)
Week 2 Arena Events: 45/30/15 (Additive)
Week 3 Arena Events: 1.2x/1.1x/1x (Multiplicative)
Week 4 Arena Events: 1.3x/1.15x/1x (Multiplicative)
Some arena events may be streamed live on Twitch depending on availability and necessity. The link to the KQM Twitch is here.
Amber v. Amber
In this event, three players will gather in a single world. They will all decrease their health to a point where one tick of grass fire damage will kill them, then move to an open grassy area (right in front of the Windrise tree) and will attempt to kill the other Amber players by lighting the ground underneath them on fire. Players may not attempt to run away. The last player standing wins one point; players will play until one player has two points. If a tie exists between the remaining two players, they will play a “sudden death” 1v1 round.
Ad Astra Angling
In this event, players will compete to see who the best angler is. Competitors will have 15 minutes to compete and catch as many valuable fish as possible. Different fish are rewarded with different point values, and players may travel to other players’ worlds. The point values are below:
1 Point:
– All Medaka variations
– All Shirakodai variations
2 Points:
– Lunged Stickleback/Betta/Venomspine Fish
3 Points:
– Golden Koi
– Rusty Koi
4 Points:
– Both Pufferfish variations
– Abiding Angelfish
– Dawncatcher
– Crystalfish
– Divda Ray
– Formalo Ray
– Akai Maou
5 Points:
– Raimei Angelfish
– Snowstrider
Ornamental variations of each fish are worth double their base value.
To prevent any cheating, players must have three things: a screenshot of their fish count before they begin, a video of themselves catching fish for 15 minutes, and a screenshot of their fish count after they finish. Ties will be broken by a 5 minute sudden death round.
Spot the Keqing
In this event, players will receive an image of a few random locations in Genshin at a designated time, and will race to see who can find the locations first. There will be 20 photos per batch, and the first player to find all 20 photos for their timezone will win the competition. Players should submit evidence that they “found” the location by uploading screenshots that they take of their own characters at those locations to an imgur album. UID should be visible.
Draft Abyss
In this contest, players will “draft” characters onto their teams and attempt to clear the spiral abyss. Each team needs to nominate one player to play. Drafting functions by first establishing a pool of shared characters among all three people, then slowly picking characters from that list in order. Characters drafted by one player cannot be used by another player. An example draft is below:
Player A: Picks Bennett
Player B: Picks Xingqiu
Player C: Picks Sucrose
Player C: Picks Xinyan
Player B: Picks Thoma
Player A: Picks Aloy
Players will continue until each player has 8 characters. The player who can clear the abyss with 9 stars the fastest wins; if no player can clear the abyss with 9 stars, then the fastest clear time for the highest star amount wins (i.e. if Player A and Player B both only get 8 stars, then whoever got 8 stars first would win). The time limit is 1 hour.
KQM Kahoot has returned! Players will join the Kahoot through the KQM Twitch and will answer questions about Theorycrafting, Keqing, Lore, and KQM to compete for team points.