Jade Quick Guide

Updated for Version 2.3

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Jade is a 5★ Quantum-Type Erudition character in Honkai: Star Rail, who brings a unique combination of ally buffing and personal damage through her follow-up attack. Her distinctive ability to enable allies to consume their own HP while contributing to her own personal damage makes for an interesting kit. Learn about Jade’s best Relics, best Light Cones, teams, and synergies in this quick guide.


Credits to: euphorysm, erisdc, Mayonnaise, and KQM Staff

Character Overview

  • Frequent out of turn AoE attacks
  • Flat SPD buff to single ally
  • Nearly entire kit is AoE, excellent for Pure Fiction
  • Relatively low single-target damage output
  • Fails to synergize with non-AoE units without her E1
  • Unable to be an effective hypercarry in Memory of Chaos or Apocalyptic Shadow.


Secondary Damage Dealer

Jade acts as a secondary damage dealer, primarily dealing damage through her Talent, which is charged up by dealing damage to enemies herself or by the ally targeted by her Skill. Jade depends on the primary damage dealer to have AoE attacks, which makes characters such as Himeko, Herta, and Blade excellent drivers for Jade’s Talent.


Basic ATK

Basic ATK | Lash of Riches

Trace Description

Lash of Riches [Blast]

Deals Quantum DMG equal to 45%/90%/99% of Jade’s ATK to a single target enemy, and Quantum DMG equal to 15%/30%/33% of Jade’s ATK to adjacent enemies.

One of the few Blast Basic ATKs. Jade will be using this frequently.


Skill | Acquisition Surety

Trace Description

Acquisition Surety [Support]

Makes a single target ally become the Debt Collector and increases their SPD by 30, lasting for 3 turn(s).
After the Debt Collector attacks, deals 1 instance of Additional Quantum DMG equal to 15%/25%/27% of Jade’s ATK to each enemy target hit, and consumes the Debt Collector’s HP by an amount equal to 2% of their Max HP. If the current HP is insufficient, reduces HP to 1.
If Jade becomes the Debt Collector, she cannot gain the SPD boost effect, and her attacks do not consume HP.
When the Debt Collector exists on the field, Jade cannot use her Skill. At the start of Jade’s every turn, the Debt Collector’s duration reduces by 1 turn.

Jade should not target herself with her Skill, as it simply wastes the potential SPD buff. Debt Collector should instead be applied to another damage dealer, or in the worst case, a frequently acting ally.


Ultimate | Vow of the Deep

Trace Description

Vow of the Deep [AoE]

Deals Quantum DMG equal to 120/240%/264% of Jade’s ATK to all enemies. At the same time, Jade enhances her Talent’s follow-up attack, increasing its DMG multiplier by 40%/80%/88%. This enhancement can trigger 2 time(s).

An occasional but nice boost to Jade’s follow-up damage.


Talent | Fang of Flare Flaying

Trace Description

Fang of Flare Flaying [AoE]

After Jade or the Debt Collector unit attacks, gains 1 point of Charge for each enemy target hit. Upon reaching 8 points of Charge, consumes the 8 points to launch 1 instance of follow-up attack, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 60%/120%/132% of Jade’s ATK to all enemies. This follow-up attack does not generate Charge.
When launching her Talent’s follow-up attack, Jade immediately gains 5 stack(s) of Pawned Asset, with each stack increasing CRIT DMG by 1.2%/2.4%/2.64%, stacking up to 50 times.

Jade’s bread and butter. Its stacking CRIT DMG% encourages players to trigger her follow-up attack as often as possible, to ramp up her personal damage.


Technique | Visionary Predation

Trace Description

Visionary Predation [Impair]

After using the Technique, inflicts enemies within a set area with Blind Fealty for 10 second(s). Enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty will not initiate attacks on allies. When entering battle via actively attacking enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty, all enemies with Blind Fealty will enter combat simultaneously. After entering battle, deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Jade’s ATK to all enemies, and immediately gains 15 stack(s) of Pawned Asset.

Useful for front loading Jade’s damage with the ATK% and CRIT DMG% from her A6 Bonus Ability and Talent respectively.

A2 Bonus

Ascension 2 Bonus Ability | Reverse Repo

Trace Description

Reverse Repo

When enemy targets enter combat, Jade gains 1 stack(s) of Pawned Asset. When a Debt Collector ally’s turn starts, Jade additionally gains 3 stack(s) of Pawned Asset.

Accelerates Jade’s damage ramp up, and incentivizes having a fast Debt Collector.

A4 Bonus

Ascension 4 Bonus Ability | Collateral Ticket

Trace Description

Collateral Ticket

When the battle starts, Jade’s action is advanced forward by 50%.

Allows Jade to apply her buff at the start of battle even without excessive SPD or Sprightly Vonwacq.

A6 Bonus

Ascension 6 Bonus Ability | Asset Forfeiture

Trace Description

Asset Forfeiture

Each stack of the Talent’s Pawned Asset additionally increases Jade’s ATK by 0.5%.

Much appreciated stacking ATK%, for a maximum of 25%.

Note: Trace levels shown are 1/10/12 (Basic ATK 1/6/7).

Trace Priority

> > >

Talent > Ultimate > Skill > Basic ATK

Jade’s Talent contributes the most to her damage, and should be prioritized above all else. While the additional damage from her Skill may outweigh her Ultimate damage in some scenarios, Ultimate should still be leveled first, due to the valuable damage increase to her follow-up attack. Jade’s Basic ATK contributes rather little to her overall damage and does not need to be leveled much.


Eidolon 1

Eidolon 1 | Altruism? Nevertheless Tradable

Eidolon Description

The follow-up attack DMG from Jade’s Talent increases by 32%. After the character with the Debt Collector state uses an attack and hits 2/1 enemy target(s), Jade additionally gains 1/2 point(s) of Charge.

Alleviates Jade’s team building requirements by allowing her buff to function with more characters, and makes her more viable in one- or two-target scenarios.

Eidolon 2

Eidolon 2 | Morality? Herein Authenticated

Eidolon Description

When there are 15 stacks of Pawned Asset, Jade’s CRIT Rate increases by 18%.

Nice CRIT Rate boost, instantly activated by Jade’s Technique.

Eidolon 3

Eidolon 3 | Honesty? Soon Mortgaged

Eidolon Description

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.

Decent boost to Jade’s damage.

Eidolon 4

Eidolon 4 | Sincerity? Put Option Only

Eidolon Description

When using Ultimate, the DMG Jade deals ignores 12% of enemy targets’ DEF, lasting for 3 turn(s).

Can have full uptime if Jade can gain enough Energy through frequent follow-up attacks.

Eidolon 5

Eidolon 5 | Hope? Hitherto Forfeited

Eidolon Description

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.

Ultimately inconsequential damage bump.

Eidolon 6

Eidolon 6 | Equity? Pending Sponsorship

Eidolon Description

When there are Debt Collector allies on the field, Jade’s Quantum RES PEN increases by 20%, and Jade gains the Debt Collector state.

Speeds up Jade’s Charge point generation and increases her personal damage, although Jade should still not buff herself with her Skill.


Light Cones

Yet Hope Is Priceless
Jade’s signature Light Cone provides a sizable CRIT Rate bonus, a stacking follow-up attack DMG Boost relative to her CRIT DMG, and is her best by a decent margin.

Jade only needs 200% CRIT DMG to max out the follow-up attack DMG Boost, which is easily reachable thanks to her Skill and Technique. 
The additional Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG Boost also has full uptime, as Jade uses her Basic ATK frequently.

Night on the Milky Way
A very strong choice for Pure Fiction, and with frequent Weakness Breaks it is not too far behind Yet Hope Is Priceless.

Today Is Another Peaceful Day
Best 4★ option, as Jade has a relatively high cost Ultimate.

Before Dawn
While Jade fails to make use of most of Before Dawn’s effects, it is still a considerable stat stick.

Geniuses’ Repose
Can be better than Before Dawn if Jade can maintain full uptime on its CRIT DMG increase.

F2P Options
Eternal Calculus and The Seriousness of Breakfast are both excellent F2P options for Jade. While Eternal Calculus performs marginally better than Breakfast, the difference is marginal enough to simply go with the one you already have leveled.

The Birth of the Self
Although this Light Cone is quite weak in comparison to Jade’s other options, when paired with Topaz and Numby, this option can be comparable to Today Is Another Peaceful Day.


Relic Sets

The Ashblazing Grand Duke
Jade’s best set for personal damage, providing a large amount of ATK% to go along with her abundance of CRIT DMG.

Genius of Brilliant Stars
Marginally better than The Ashblazing Grand Duke if enemies have Quantum Weakness, and only slightly worse without.
2-Pc CombinationsCombinations of 2-Pc The Ashblazing Grand Duke, 2-Pc Genius of Brilliant Stars, and 2-Pc ATK% sets, such as Prisoner in Deep Confinement or Musketeer of Wild Wheat can be used if the above options are not available.

Planar Ornaments

Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation
Formidable in Pure Fiction. Jade does not need to defeat enemies herself to gain its CRIT DMG stacks.

Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
Interchangeable with Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation when Jade is paired with another follow-up attack character.

Izumo Gensei and Takana Divine Realm
Strong option if Jade is paired with another Erudition unit, such as Herta or Himeko.

Inert Salsotto
Boosts follow-up attacks, which are Jade’s biggest damage source. It is worth mentioning that Inert Salsotto is paired with Belobog of the Architects, which makes farming this set inefficient.








As Jade is not reliant on her own turns to deal damage, it is recommended to forgo SPD and focus on offensive stats. Jade gains a substantial amount of Quantum DMG% from her Traces, so an ATK% orb can be interchangeable with Quantum DMG%. Pick based on substats.

Notable Synergies

Primary Damage Dealers

Blade Sticker 02 - Even Immortality Ends
Blade’s Enhanced Basic ATK and Ultimate are Blast, his follow-up attack is AoE, and he can have very frequent actions when paired with Bronya, making him one of the best candidates to be Jade’s Debt Collector.

In addition, Jade allows Blade to use HP% Boots thanks to the SPD buff granted by Debt Collector, and its HP consumption almost doubles Blade’s talent stack generation, which makes Jade and Blade a truly dynamic duo.
Himeko Sticker - Second Closed BetaHerta Sticker - Second Closed Beta
Himeko and Herta both satisfy Jade’s wants for allies that hit multiple enemies, and Jade helps them trigger their respective follow-up attacks, whether by an initial source of damage, or by Weakness Break, which can lead into a truly formidable feedback loop of follow-up attacks in Pure Fiction.
Topaz & Numby Sticker 03 - Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream
Topaz and Numby
Topaz provides frequent actions and follow-up attack Vulnerability via Numby’s follow-up attacks and Proof of Debt, which makes for a strong synergy with E1 Jade.


Robin/Ruan Mei
Robin and Ruan Mei’s team-wide buffs are greatly appreciated by Jade’s preferred team composition of two damage dealers, as Robin and Ruan Mei provide valuable stat buffs and personal damage.

Jade’s SPD buff from Debt Collector can also help players to reach the 180.1 SPD required to act three times during Robin’s Ultimate, which may be useful for naturally fast characters.

Special Considerations

These characters can be very effective with E1 Jade, but come with special caveats.

Dr. Ratio
Dr. Ratio’s Skill will generate 6 points of Charge of Jade’s Talent with every use, provided his follow-up attack is triggered, and his Ultimate will generate up to 9 points of Charge if it is fully triggered. Additionally, his purely single-target damage can help cover for Jade’s weakness in single-target scenarios.

This may seem like an incredibly potent combination, but Dr. Ratio requires debuffs in order to function, which Jade is incapable of providing. As such, it is difficult to make Jade and Dr. Ratio work together in a team. See below for some example teams using Dr. Ratio and Jade.


Dual Damage Dealer

Damage Dealer — Jade — Buffer/Debuffer— Sustain

The traditional Jade composition, where the Debt Collector is the primary damage dealer. In order to charge up Jade’s Talent, The Debt Collector should ideally be acting as often as possible and using any AoE attack at their disposal.

Example Teams

Jade Blade
Blade — Jade — Bronya — Luocha

The premier Blade team in multi-target scenarios. Blade should use HP Boots, utilizing Debt Collector’s SPD bonus to act before Bronya in a Slow Bronya playstyle, which will charge Jade’s Talent. Jade should use her Skill on Blade and re-apply when it runs out, otherwise using her Basic ATK.

Due to the incredible Skill Point efficiency of both Jade and Blade, it can be possible to swap out Luocha for a less Skill Point-positive unit such as Fu Xuan, who can buff CRIT Rate and give Blade a non-negligible HP buff.

Jade Herta
Herta — Jade — Robin — Lynx

Pure Fiction is a mode filled with waves of five enemies, and this team aims to fully abuse this. Herta and Jade can form a feedback loop of follow-up attacks, and as nearly the entirety of Herta’s kit is AoE, she can quickly trigger Jade’s follow-up attack, which can in turn trigger Herta’s — all while Robin buffs the team and provides additional damage of her own.

Jade should use her Skill on Herta, making her the Debt Collector. Herta, in turn, will use her skill every turn to deal damage and charge Jade’s Talent. Robin should use her Skill when its Charges are depleted or when she can immediately activate her Ultimate by doing so, and use her Ultimate whenever it is ready. Lynx can use her Basic ATK to generate Skill Points and use her Skill to heal as needed.

Jade Ratio
Dr. Ratio — E1 Jade — Silver Wolf — Aventurine

Dr. Ratio can provide a surprisingly high amount of Charge points for Jade’s Talent if you supply enough debuffs for him, making for a viable option in Memory of Chaos.

Jade should use her Skill on Dr. Ratio, who should in turn use his Skill every turn and Ultimate whenever ready. Silver Wolf and Aventurine provided much-needed debuffs for Ratio, using their Skill as needed and using Basic ATK otherwise, and Ultimate when ready.

It is possible to substitute Silver Wolf and Aventurine for Robin and Gallagher, but the lack of consistent debuff uptime will lock this team into a low cycle niche. For initial debuff application, Dr. Ratio must use his Technique, and Gallagher must be the one to initiate combat with his Technique. This, combined with Gallagher’s E1, provides just enough time to activate his Ultimate for another debuff through Nectar Blitz. 









  • 20 January 2025 – Infographic added for v3.0
  • 23 July 2024 – Published for v2.3

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