Lingsha Quick Guide

Updated for Version 3.0

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Lingsha is a 5★ Fire Abundance healer in Honkai: Star Rail accompanied by her incense beast, Fuyuan, who specializes in high-frequency AoE attacks and cleanses. During combat, Lingsha can utilize her abilities to manipulate Fuyuan’s actions to ensure that her team stays healthy. This quick guide will help you with her best Relics, Light Cones, teams, synergies, and more!

New Content

InfographicDivided into Break Support and AoE Support.
BuildsDivided build section into Break Support and AoE Support sections.

Dream’s Montage
Lingsha’s best 4★ option if enemies are frequently broken. It grants Lingsha increased SPD and enough Energy to run a Break Effect rope if she can generate 15 Energy per Ultimate with its passive. Keep in mind that it has a limit of 2 triggers per turn.

At S1, this requires 5 hits against broken enemies, while at S5 this reduces to 3; see Energy Breakpoints for more detailed info. 

The Herta
Lingsha’s AoE attacks both regenerate Energy for The Herta and stack “Interpretation” on enemies. However, The Herta’s heavy SP cost forces Lingsha to use more Basic ATKs than she might otherwise want to, which can make maintaining Fuyuan’s Action Count difficult. This synergy is strongest with The Herta’s signature Light Cone.

Lingsha’s high Toughness Reduction, inclination to build Break Effect, and general Break DMG amplification makes her a great pairing with Fugue, who enables Lingsha to ignore Weakness and deal significant Break and Super Break DMG.

Fugue’s Break Effect buffs also help Lingsha hit the 200% Break Effect required to cap her A2 Bonus Ability as well as the 250% Break Effect requirement for the Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge Relic Set, boosting Lingsha’s personal damage even further.

Rappa’s primary source of damage is Break DMG, meaning that she can benefit significantly from Lingsha’s “Befog” debuff. In addition, due to Rappa’s decreased Toughness Reduction ability against enemies who are not innately Weak to Imaginary, she also appreciates Lingsha’s strong Toughness Reduction abilities against Fire Weak enemies to generate Charge for her Talent.
Stats: SPD BreakpointsThere are a few scenarios in which aiming for a SPD above 150 can be beneficial for Lingsha to optimize Fuyuan’s Advances, but this is only useful with certain timings of her Skill, and can be detrimental in other scenarios. This level of optimization is unnecessary for gameplay outside of specific high-level challenges. This does not mean Lingsha should aim for a SPD value below 150, as a high SPD is still useful for increasing Lingsha’s attack frequency. 
TeamsDivided teams into Break Support, AoE Support, and Flexible Healer teams. Updated examples.


Break Sustain

Credits to: euphorysm, ErisDC, Mystathi, and KQM Staff

AoE Support

Credits to: euphorysm, ErisDC, jas, and KQM Staff

Character Overview


  • High attack frequency with significant AoE and Toughness Reduction
  • Strong emergency healing and AoE cleanse
  • Applies a debuff that increases Break DMG
  • Bunny


  • Unable to cleanse allies during her own turn
  • Low personal survivability and no one-shot prevention
  • Cannot be played fully SP positive


Lingsha’s top priority is keeping Fuyuan active, as she cannot access the majority of her kit without them. 

Lingsha’s Skill is the only way to increase Fuyuan’s action count. It also has a small Advance Forward for Fuyuan and does AoE Toughness Reduction to enemies with Fire Weakness. If SP is available, Lingsha’s Skill should always be used over her Basic ATK. 

If debuff uptime or Break DMG is important to your team, her next priority is maintaining uptime on “Befog,” a potent 2-turn debuff that significantly increases the Break DMG enemies receive, which should ideally be applied before enemies are Weakness Broken. 


Basic ATK

Basic ATK | Votive Incense

Trace Description

Voltive Incense [Single Target]

Deals Fire DMG equal to 50%/100%/110% of Lingsha’s ATK to a single target enemy.

A standard ATK-scaling Basic ATK, which paired with Lingsha’s A4 Bonus Ability, helps her use her Ultimate consistently while generating Skill Points.


Skill | Smoke and Splendor

Trace Description

Smoke and Splendor [AoE]

Deals Fire DMG equal to 40%/80%/88% of Lingsha’s ATK to all enemies and at the same time, restores HP equal to 10%/14%/14.8% of Lingsha’s ATK plus 105/420/467.25 for all allies. Fuyuan’s action advances by 20%.

As Lingsha’s Skill is the only way to increase Fuyuan’s Action Count, it must be used periodically to ensure Fuyuan stays on the field.

It can be useful for other purposes too — to Advance Fuyuan’s action, to provide extra Toughness Reduction, or to trigger effects that benefit from AoE attacks.


Ultimate | Dripping Mistscape

Trace Description

Dripping Mistscape [AoE]

Inflicts “Befog” on all enemies. While in “Befog,” targets receive 15%/25%/27% increased Break DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Deals Fire DMG equal to 90%/150%/162% of Lingsha’s ATK to all enemies, and at the same time restores HP equal to 8%/12%/12.8% of Lingsha’s ATK plus 90/360/400.5 for all allies. Fuyuan’s action advances by 100%.

The source of most of Lingsha’s utility, giving her a method to manually emergency cleanse and heal in addition to her A6 Bonus Ability’s automatic emergency healing.

Note that Dripping Mistscape Advances Fuyuan by 100%, so it will consume an action count as well as reset their turn. Fuyuan’s current position in the Action Order should be considered before using this ability, as the Advance may be wasted if Fuyuan was already close to acting.


Talent | Mistdance Manifest

Trace Description

Mistdance Manifest [AoE]

When using Skill, summons Fuyuan, with an initial SPD of 90 and an initial action count of 3.
When taking action, Fuyuan launches follow-up attack, dealing Fire DMG equal to 37.5%/75%/82.5% of Lingsha’s ATK to all enemies. Additionally deals Fire DMG equal to 37.5%/75%/82.5% of Lingsha’s ATK to a single random enemy, and this DMG prioritizes targets that have both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness. Dispels 1 debuff(s) from all allies and restores HP equal to 8%/12%/12.8% of Lingsha’s ATK plus 90/360/400.5.
Fuyuan’s action count can accumulate up to 5. When the action count reaches 0 or when Lingsha is knocked down, Fuyuan disappears.
While Fuyuan is on the field, using Skill can increase Fuyuan’s action count by 3.

The additional hit against a single target does the same amount of Toughness DMG as the initial AoE hit, doubling its Toughness DMG against one enemy.

Fuyuan’s attacks do not generate any Energy for Lingsha.


Technique | Wisps of Aurora

Trace Description

Wisps of Aurora [Support]

After using Technique, immediately summons Fuyuan at the start of the next battle and inflicts “Befog” on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s).

Immediately summons Fuyuan at the beginning of the battle, significantly speeding up when they take their first action, as Lingsha does not need to take a turn to summon them.

A2 Bonus

Ascension 2 Bonus Ability | Vermilion Waft

Trace Description

Vermilion Waft

Increases this unit’s ATK or Outgoing Healing by an amount equal to 25%/10% of Break Effect, up to a maximum increase of 50%/20% respectively.

Allows Lingsha to increase her healing while increasing her Break DMG, making Break Effect a solid stat to build.

This bonus caps at 200% Break Effect.

A4 Bonus

Ascension 4 Bonus Ability | Sylvan Smoke

Trace Description

Sylvan Smoke

When using Basic ATK, additionally regenerates 10 Energy.

The extra Energy allows Lingsha to perform the same rotations regardless of using Basic ATK or Skill, increasing “Befog” uptime while still allowing Lingsha to be SP positive.

A6 Bonus

Ascension 6 Bonus Ability | Ember’s Echo

Trace Description

Ember’s Echo

When Fuyuan is on the field and any ally character takes DMG or consumes HP, if a character in the team has their current HP percentage lower than or equal to 60%, Fuyuan will immediately launch the Talent’s follow-up attack. This does not consume Fuyuan’s action count. This effect can trigger again after 2 turn(s).

Grants Lingsha an automatic teamwide panic heal and cleanse. This can trigger even if Lingsha is under a Crowd Control debuff.

This does not Advance Fuyuan, so it will not interfere with their position in the Action Order.

Note: Trace levels shown are 1/10/12 (Basic ATK 1/6/7).

Trace Priority


UltimateTalent = Skill

As leveling Lingsha’s Ultimate increases the potency of the “Befog” debuff, it is worth raising this first if your team relies on Break DMG. Otherwise it should have the same priority as her Talent, as those two abilities form the core of her emergency healing.

Lingsha’s Skill does provide some healing, which makes it worth leveling, while Basic ATK does not and can be ignored.


Eidolon 1

Eidolon 1 | Bloom on Vileward Bouquet

Eidolon Description

Lingsha’s Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. When an enemy unit’s Weakness is Broken, reduces their DEF by 20%.

A strong improvement for Lingsha’s buffing abilities in Break focused teams, both helping Lingsha Break faster and increasing the team’s damage.

The DEF Reduction also offers a decent boost to non-Break-focused teams that are able to Break enemies consistently, although E1 typically falls behind Scent Alone Stays True in terms of damage amplification for these teams. 

Once applied, the DEF Reduction will not be removed from the enemy even after they recover from a Weakness Break.

Eidolon 2

Eidolon 2 | Leisure in Carmine Smokeveil

Eidolon Description

When using Ultimate, increases all allies’ Break Effect by 40%, lasting for 3 turn(s).

An even larger boost to Break focused teams, granting a strong Break Effect boost for 3 turns.

Eidolon 3

Eidolon 3 | Shine of Floral Wick

Eidolon Description

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.

Slightly improves her emergency healing and her debuffing abilities.

Eidolon 4

Eidolon 4 | Redolence from Canopied Banquet

Eidolon Description

When Fuyuan takes action, restores HP equal to 40% of Lingsha’s ATK for the ally whose current HP is the lowest.

Improves Lingsha’s emergency healing abilities even further.

Eidolon 5

Eidolon 5 | Poise Atop Twists and Turns

Eidolon Description

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.

Increases Lingsha’s Skill healing. Basic ATK levels are not notable.

Eidolon 6

Eidolon 6 | Arcadia Under Deep Seclusion

Eidolon Description

While Fuyuan is on the field, reduces all enemies’ All-Type RES by 20%. When Fuyuan attacks, additionally deals 4 instance(s) of DMG, with each instance dealing both Fire DMG equal to 50% of Lingsha’s ATK and a Toughness Reduction of 5 to a single random enemy. This prioritizes targets with both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness.

Allows Lingsha to effectively permanently reduce all enemy RES. The additional Fuyuan attacks can significantly increase her Toughness DMG.


Break Support

When built as a Break support, Lingsha aims to maximize the Break DMG of her teammates and sometimes herself. 

Light Cones

Scent Alone Stays True
Lingsha’s Best-in-Slot in Break teams. situations. Providing a solid chunk of Break Effect which increases both her healing and personal damage. Allows Lingsha to run an Energy Regeneration Rope without losing out on Break Effect.

It provides a universally useful Vulnerability debuff with good uptime due to Lingsha’s fast Ultimate rotation.

Echoes of the Coffin
Lingsha’s large amount of AoE attacks and ATK scaling on her healing make this Light Cone a solid option. The Energy it provides is sufficient for Lingsha to run a Break Effect Rope, and in enemy heavy content, it can even bring her down to a 2-turn Ultimate rotation.

Thanks to this, Lingsha can maintain high uptime on “Befog,” especially helpful in Break DMG teams.

Night of Fright
Provides sufficient ERR for a 3-turn Ultimate when paired with a Planar Ornament set that provides 5% ERR. The additional healing on ally Ultimate use further improves Lingsha’s emergency healing abilities.

Lingsha’s frequent healing also allows the entire team to have full uptime on the ATK buff, granting her further team support abilities.

Dream’s Montage
Lingsha’s best 4★ option if enemies are frequently broken. It grants Lingsha increased SPD and enough Energy to run a Break Effect rope if she can generate 15 Energy per Ultimate with its passive. Keep in mind that it has a limit of 2 triggers per turn Lingsha takes.

At S1, this requires 5 hits against broken enemies across 3 turns, while at S5 this reduces to 3 hits across 3 turns; see Energy Breakpoints for more detailed info. 

Post-Op Conversation
At higher superimpositions, Post-Op Conversation allows Lingsha to run Break Effect Ropes while maintaining a 3-turn Ultimate. Its Outgoing Healing Boost provides a small increase to her healing as well.

At S3–S4, Lingsha requires a 5% ERR Planar to consistently 3-turn Ultimate.

At S5, Lingsha does not require external ERR sources to 3-turn Ultimate.

What Is Real?
Improves Lingsha’s personal Break DMG and provides a slight increase to her ATK and Outgoing Healing Boost due to her A2 Bonus Ability’s Break Effect conversion.

While Lingsha cannot afford to use Basic ATK on every action, Multiplication can still help with the team’s SP generation.

Quid Pro Quo
Although usable on Lingsha and very useful when needed, due to her high attack rate stemming from Fuyuan and not her own turns and the lack of personal SPD boosts or Advances, she is not the best user of Quid Pro Quo.


Relic Sets

2-Pc Combinations
For general use, 2-Pc combinations of synergistic sets with good substats are the best way to improve Lingsha’s stats if there is no beneficial 4-Pc Set Effect for the team or scenario. 

Potential sets include 2-Pc SPD sets, 2-Pc Break Effect sets, 2-Pc Passerby of Wandering Cloud, and 2-Pc ATK% sets.

4-Pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge
The strongest set for Lingsha’s personal Break DMG. As Lingsha is already incentivized by her A2 to build around 200% Break Effect, hitting 250% for the extra DEF Ignore for Super Break DMG is quite realistic when combined with Imaginary Trailblazer or other sources of Break Effect increases.

4-Pc Thief of Shooting Meteor
A strong option for Pure Fiction stages with Fire Weakness, granting Lingsha some Break Effect as well as a noticeable amount of Energy to allow Lingsha to use her Ultimate more frequently for better Weakness Breaking and healing.

4-Pc Passerby of Wandering Cloud
Grants Lingsha teams 1 more SP initially, which can be appreciated due to Lingsha’s required Skill usage to refresh Fuyuan’s actions.
Planar Ornaments

Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern
Grants an unconditional SPD% bonus, as well as a large amount of Break Effect through its Set Effect, making Forge a great set for Lingsha.

Its only drawback is its requirement for at least one enemy to have a Fire Weakness for its Set Effect to be activated.

Talia, Kingdom of Banditry
A strong unconditional option for its Break Effect. Lingsha is already incentivized to build sufficient SPD, so meeting the condition for this set should not be a problem.

5% ERR Planars
The 5% ERR planars pair well with Light Cones that provide at least 11% ERR to allow Lingsha to perform consistent 3-turn Ultimate rotations without an ERR Rope. 

Options include Sprightly Vonwacq, Penacony, Land of the Dreams, and Lushaka, the Sunken Seas.

Other Supportive Planars
If Lingsha’s personal Break DMG is unimportant, and additional ERR is not required, Lingsha can hold any supportive Planar set to buff her team’s damage further.

Options include Fleet of the Ageless and Broken Keel.


Main Stats




Outgoing Healing Boost > ATK%SPDATK%Energy Regeneration Rate | Break Effect

SPD > Break Effect > ATK% > HP%DEF%

SPD allows Lingsha to better sustain her teams by allowing her to refresh her A6 Bonus Ability emergency heal, and also improves the uptime of the “Befog” debuff.

Break Effect increases Lingsha’s Break DMG, her main source of damage against enemies with Fire Weakness. Her A2 Bonus Ability also allows this to improve her healing.

ATK% primarily increases Lingsha’s healing, which is desirable to increase the entire team’s survivability, while HP% and DEF% can be useful to increase Lingsha’s personal survivability.

Break Effect Rope vs. Energy Regeneration Rate Rope

The choice of a Link Rope main stat on Lingsha primarily depends on her Light Cone options. To improve the uptime on her “Befog” debuff and emergency healing abilities, a 3-action Ultimate rotation is desired.

See the Energy Breakpoints section below for a more detailed breakdown.

SPD Breakpoints

There are a few scenarios in which aiming for a SPD above 150 can be beneficial for Lingsha to optimize Fuyuan’s Advances, but this is only useful with certain timings of her Skill, and can be detrimental in other scenarios. This level of optimization is unnecessary for gameplay outside of specific high-level challenges. This does not mean Lingsha should aim for a SPD value below 150, as a high SPD is still useful for increasing Lingsha’s attack frequency. 


Building more ATK and CRIT to increase Lingsha’s direct damage can be considered in teams where her Toughness Reduction is unnecessary and increased healing is not desired. 

However, her low damage multipliers makes her personal damage fairly underwhelming even with strong supports, often making her better suited to build more SPD and “drive” the damage of other units such as Robin or Jade instead.

AoE Support

When built as an AoE Support, Lingsha aims to maximize the number of actions she and Fuyuan take. This is especially helpful for characters that rely on frequent teammate actions or AoE attacks. 

Light Cones

Echoes of the Coffin
Lingsha’s best option for attack frequency. She can achieve consistent 2-turn Ultimates with this Light Cone and an ERR Rope when played against at least two enemies as long as she exclusively uses her Skill. 

However, in teams where Lingsha cannot use her Skill at least every other turn, Echoes of the Coffin is not much better than other options. 

Scent Alone Stays True
The best option if Lingsha cannot use her Skill frequently enough, due to its universal Vulnerability debuff. Does not help Lingsha get her Ultimate more frequently. 

Night of Fright
Its extra ERR helps Lingsha take advantage of Enemy attacks and other external sources of Energy. Its improved healing and teamwide ATK% buff are also appreciated.

Dream’s Montage
An excellent option if enemies are frequently broken, which is more difficult outside of Break teams. Its increased SPD at any Superimposition can be very useful. Keep in mind that it has a limit of 2 triggers per turn.

See Energy Breakpoints for more detailed info.

Post-Op Conversation
Mainly useful for its ERR, especially at higher Superimpositions. If enemies are never Weakness Broken, Post-Op Conversation is an improvement over Dream’s Montage

Quid Pro Quo
Useful in certain niche scenarios where Lingsha’s allies have significant Energy issues, like in teams with Robin. Unless specifically planned for, however, the Energy regeneration from this Light Cone is unreliable.

If Lingsha is using her Skill on most turns (for example, as a Jade driver), Multiplication’s Action Advance rarely triggers, making it a poor choice. If Lingsha is using her Basic ATK more frequently (i.e. in a team with The Herta), Multiplication can significantly increase her action frequency.


Relic Sets
AnyThe best choice for an AoE Support Lingsha is whatever combination yields the highest SPD, which may mean no set effects are activated.

2-Pc SPD / 2-Pc SPD
The best pairing of Set Effects to maximize SPD in most scenarios. 

4-Pc Eagle of the Twilight Line
Usually worse than the pairing of two 2-Pc SPD sets if Lingsha does not get consistent 2-turn Ultimates.
Planar Ornaments

Lushaka, the Sunken Seas
The best buff for ATK-scaling teams with a single damage dealer. The 5% ERR can be useful for some breakpoints and to further take advantage of external Energy sources such as hits from Enemies and kills.

Fleet of the Ageless
The best buff for ATK-scaling teams with multiple damage dealers. Lingsha easily fulfills the 120 SPD requirement. The ATK% also slightly improves Lingsha’s own healing. 
Other Supportive PlanarsLingsha can hold other supportive Planar Ornaments to buff her team’s damage further.

Options include Penacony, Land of the Dreams and Broken Keel.

Sprightly Vonwacq
The initial 40% Advance Forward can let Lingsha achieve her first Ultimate much faster, which can be very helpful for optimizing Lingsha’s action frequency in the first cycle. 
AnyIt is a valid strategy to disregard supportive sets and have Lingsha to prioritize whatever planar options give her the highest SPD, which may be Planar Ornaments that do not complete a set.

Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern
Useful mainly for its unconditional SPD bonus. The Break Effect boost can somewhat improve Lingsha’s healing when at least one enemy has Fire Weakness.


Main Stats




Outgoing Healing Boost > ATK%SPDATK%Energy Regeneration Rate

SPD > Break Effect

Build at least 150% Break Effect with Scent Alone Stays True.

Lingsha should always have an Energy Regeneration Rope when played as an AoE Support to maximize her Ultimate frequency.

Energy Breakpoints

Reaching 116% ERR is required for Lingsha to consistently perform a 3-turn Ultimate rotation.

Detailed Rotation Breakdowns

Light Cone Rope (+15) 5% ERR Planar Rotation (Turns per Ultimate)
Echoes of the Coffin* Break Effect 3 Turns
Break Effect 2 Skill (3+ Enemies)
ERR 2 Turns (3+ Enemies)
ERR 2 Skill (2+ Enemies)
ERR Yes 2 Turns (2+ Enemies)
S2+ Dream’s Montage** Break Effect Yes 3 Turns
S5 Dream’s Montage** Break Effect 3 Turns
Any ERR 3 Turns
S5 Post-Op Conversation Break Effect 3 Turns
S3+ Post-Op Conversation Break Effect Yes 3 Turns
Night of Fright Break Effect Yes 3 Turns

* Fuyuan is assumed to take at least 2 actions per Ultimate, and hit the indicated number of enemies every time.

** Assumes that the passive of Dream’s Montage is activated at least 3 times per Ultimate.

Notable Synergies

Break Units

Firefly’s Weakness implant allows Lingsha to always be able to reduce enemy Toughness as well as activate the Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern Planar set’s bonus Break Effect. Firefly’s HP drain upon using her regular Skill can also trigger Lingsha’s A6 emergency heal for additional Toughness Reduction.

Firefly also greatly appreciates the “Befog” debuff Lingsha provides, which can significantly increase the team’s damage output.

Lingsha’s high Toughness Reduction, inclination to build Break Effect, and general Break DMG amplification makes her a great pairing with Fugue, who enables Lingsha to ignore Weakness and deal significant Break and Super Break DMG.

Fugue’s Break Effect buffs also help Lingsha hit the 200% Break Effect required to cap her A2 Bonus Ability as well as the 250% Break Effect requirement for the Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge Relic Set, boosting Lingsha’s personal damage even further.

Imaginary Trailblazer
Similarly to Fugue, Imaginary Trailblazer enables and boosts Super Break DMG and buffs Lingsha’s Break Effect. An excellent pairing for Super Break teams.

Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei’s Weakness Break Efficiency buff paired with Lingsha’s potent Break DMG amplification makes them a great pairing for any Break team.

Ruan Mei also further buffs the entire team’s Break Effect, and the Weakness Break extension is useful for any teams that can take advantage of the longer damage window such as Super Break teams.

Rappa’s primary source of damage is Break DMG, meaning that she can benefit significantly from Lingsha’s “Befog” debuff. In addition, she also appreciates Lingsha’s strong Toughness Reduction abilities against Fire Weak enemies to generate Charge for her Talent, especially if the enemy lacks Imaginary Weakness.

Boothill benefits from the Break DMG Vulnerability from “Befog”, and Lingsha’s Toughness Reduction can help whittle down larger Toughness bars for him. 

However, it is possible for Lingsha to steal Breaks from Boothill, as her A6 emergency healing that causes Fuyuan to immediately attack cannot be reliably controlled, and both her Basic ATK and Skill attack the enemy. Her SP use every 2–3 turns can also be noticeable if Boothill uses SP-hungry teammates such as Bronya, making her a better teammate for Boothill’s Super Break teams where she can also contribute damage.

Follow-Up Units

Lingsha’s frequent attacks can ‘drive’ the damage of units that benefit from their allies attacking often.

Himeko Sticker - Second Closed Beta
Because both are Fire units, when Himeko can Break, so can Lingsha. Her AoE Fire Toughness Reduction quickly generates Charge for Himeko, greatly increasing the frequency of her follow-up attack.

Lingsha’s frequent AoE attacks make her an excellent Debt Collector for Jade, providing the largest number of stacks of any current character. This makes them an extremely potent combination in content such as Pure Fiction, especially with Fire Weak enemies.

The Herta
Lingsha’s AoE attacks both regenerate Energy for The Herta and stack “Interpretation” on enemies. However, The Herta’s heavy SP cost forces Lingsha to use more Basic ATKs than she might otherwise want to, which can make maintaining Fuyuan’s Action Count difficult. This synergy is strongest with The Herta’s signature Light Cone.

Although not a follow-up attacker herself, Robin’s damage and Energy regeneration increases as her teammates’ attacks increase, and Lingsha has a particularly high amount of AoE attacks. Robin’s ATK and follow-up buff can improve Lingsha’s own damage, but this is not too significant compared to Robin’s own damage.

Feixiao / March 7th (The Hunt) / Topaz / Moze
Characters like Feixiao, March 7th (The Hunt), Topaz, and Moze all appreciate Lingsha’s consistent high attack frequency to help trigger their follow-ups more frequently.

Other Units

Debuff-Reliant Units: Acheron, Dr. Ratio
Lingsha applies a 2-turn debuff on her Ultimate, which can help units such as Acheron and Dr. Ratio, as well as anyone equipping 2-Pc or 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters.


Break Support

Lingsha — Break Unit — Any — Any

Lingsha provides valuable role consolidation with her healing and Break DMG Vulnerability debuff. Due to her own high Toughness Reduction and Break Effect, in some Super Break teams she can even be the primary damage dealer.

Example Teams

Lingsha — Fugue — Ruan Mei — Imaginary Trailblazer

Lingsha should be built with her Break Support build, as she is the main source of damage in this team. Fugue allows Lingsha to ignore Weaknesses when dealing Toughness Reduction, and enables Super Break DMG. Ruan Mei and Imaginary Trailblazer boost Break Effect and Super Break DMG for Lingsha.

Lingsha — Firefly — Ruan Mei — Imaginary Trailblazer

This team takes full advantage of Firefly’s ability to implant Fire Weakness on enemies, allowing Lingsha to help quickly reduce enemy Toughness. Ruan Mei is a staple of any Break team, both allowing the team to Break enemies significantly faster and increasing their Super Break DMG. Imaginary Trailblazer grants a significant Break Effect boost to the entire team, and further enhances the team by allowing Lingsha to also deal significant Super Break DMG.

Note that Lingsha generally does lower initial Break DMG than Firefly, so carefully managing who Breaks the enemies can be important to maximize the team’s damage.

AoE Support

Lingsha — Follow-Up Attacker — Flex — Flex

In these teams, Lingsha’s high attack rate helps units that rely on frequent attacks. She should be built following the recommendations in the AoE Support Build section. 

Example Teams

Lingsha — Himeko — Herta — Ruan Mei

Lingsha provides a large amount of AoE Toughness Reduction, quickly accumulating Charge stacks for Himeko against Fire Weak enemies, which helps alleviate Himeko’s low AoE Toughness Reduction during her own turns. Herta forms a potent core with Himeko, allowing them to quickly dispatch large waves of enemies, while Ruan Mei provides strong buffs and helps Himeko generate Charge as swiftly as possible.

Lingsha — Jade — Sunday — Robin

Designating Lingsha as the Debt Collector for Jade allows her to generate a large amount of Charge points for Jade through her ample amount of AoE attacks. This team is especially potent against content like Pure Fiction with a high number of enemies. Lingsha wants to use her Skill every turn for the AoE coverage. Sunday should be played with the Slow Skillspam play to Advance Lingsha and maximize stacks for Jade. Robin provides potent follow-up attack buffs and appreciates the high attack frequency of Jade and Lingsha.

Lingsha — Jade — The Herta — Robin

This team takes advantage of Lingsha’s consistently high AoE action frequency to generate “Interpretation” stacks for Madam Herta and Energy for Robin. Jade has excellent synergy with The Herta, providing stacks of “Interpretation” and potent buffs while dealing high personal damage herself. 

Robin in particular is an exceptional support in this team, due to the members’ high attack frequency frequently triggering her Ultimate damage and accelerating her Energy generation significantly.

Flexible Healer

Lingsha — Any — Any — Any

Lingsha is an excellent general healer that can slot into any team, due to possessing a teamwide emergency heal and cleanse. 

Example Teams

Lingsha — Herta — Serval — Asta

An option for Pure Fiction, consisting of only permanently available characters. Herta and Serval provide strong AoE coverage, while Asta provides potent buffs, and also slightly increases Lingsha’s healing with her ATK% buff. Lingsha can be built both as a Break Support and an AoE Support in this team.

Lingsha — Acheron — Pela — Jiaoqiu

As a sustain with a debuff, Lingsha can generate Slashed Dream points for Acheron to accelerate Acheron’s Ultimate frequency. Lingsha’s high Toughness Reduction can also occasionally grant further Slashed Dream points for Acheron if her Basic ATK, Skill, or Fuyuan Break enemies and inflict Burn. Pela and Jiaoqiu provide potent buffs and frequent debuffs, forming a solid core that can quickly generate Slashed Dream points while significantly amplifying Acheron’s damage. Lingsha prefers the AoE Support build in this team for frequent application of “Befog”.



Soul Fish






Detailed Rotation Breakdowns by Soul Fish 🐟


  • 10 October 2024 – Published for v2.5

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