Updated for Version 3.0

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Moze is the 4★ Lightning-Type crow-feather weirdo in Honkai: Star Rail following the Path of The Hunt who marks an enemy as “Prey,” provides Follow-up ATK Vulnerability, and contributes single-target follow-up attacks of his own. He is the first character to deal damage while not being present on the field, depending on his teammates to activate his follow-up attacks.
Credits to: euphorysm, Mayonnaise, and KQM Staff
Character Overview
- Increased survivability from the Departed state.
- SP neutral overall.
- Provides both Follow-up ATK DMG and supportive utility (with E2).
- Reliant on Robin to perform well.
- Inflexible SP usage.
- Requires knowledge of targeting to maximize his performance.
- Requires E2 to have proper supportive utility.
- Is the most fragile character in the game when not in the Departed state.
There is a high penalty for dispelling Moze’s “Prey” at the wrong time. When “Prey” is dispelled by killing the marked enemy or running out of Charge, Moze is pushed down the Action Order as if he took a turn, resulting in a loss of uptime on both his Vulnerability debuff and follow-up attacks, and an opening to take damage from enemies until his next turn. And, excluding the follow-up attack from his Ultimate, if an enemy is killed with the same attack that activates Moze’s follow-up attack, the follow-up attack will be canceled. For these reasons, it is important to choose your initial target wisely, as Moze cannot freely re-target. Elites and Bosses should be prioritized since normal enemies die too quickly for Moze to contribute.
There are some scenarios where it is optimal for teammates to attack a different target or use an ally-targeting ability to avoid consuming Charge and to increase the uptime of “Prey”:
- when an opportunity for large amounts of burst damage is coming up, such as Feixiao’s Ultimate
- to refresh a powerful buff before Moze’s next attack
- to keep uptime on debuffs for effects such as Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, or Dr. Ratio’s Talent.
You should almost always save Moze’s Ultimate for when an enemy is marked with “Prey,” since it can take advantage of Moze’s own Follow-up ATK Vulnerability, activate two instances of Moze’s Additional DMG, and consume a point of Charge.
If only one enemy is on the field, maximizing Moze’s damage becomes significantly more straightforward. You require almost no planning since killing the enemy early is no longer a factor.
Note: Trace levels shown are 1/10/12 (Basic ATK 1/6/7).
Trace Priority
Talent >> Ultimate > Skill
Moze does not use his Basic ATK, so it can be left unleveled.
Light Cones
![]() Worrisome, Blissful | This is Moze’s best Light Cone for team damage. The debuff ramps up extremely quickly due to how often Moze uses follow-up attacks; his Ultimate maximizes the debuff with two follow-up attacks right away. Units equipped with 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters and units that require debuffs such as Dr. Ratio also appreciate the additional debuff. |
![]() Baptism of Pure Thought | Moze’s best option for personal damage. Moze appreciates the CRIT DMG, DMG%, and follow-up attack DEF Ignore, as follow-up attacks compose the majority of his damage. Moze alone has two out of the three debuffs needed to fully utilize the buff on this Light Cone and has essentially full uptime on Disputation due to infrequent turns. |
![]() Swordplay | The DMG% buff stacks extremely quickly thanks to Moze’s high number of hits, and as Moze has difficulty with switching targets, the stacks reset infrequently. His Skill consists of three hits, which results in almost every one of his Talent’s Follow-up ATKs triggered during “Prey” being fully buffed. |
![]() Cruising in the Stellar Sea | A freely available Light Cone. While it can have potent buffs, even beating Swordplay when its conditions are met, it requires Moze to kill enemies, thus making its value much more conditional, and usually slightly worse than Swordplay in practice. |
![]() Only Silence Remains | A weaker alternative to the above Light Cones. The value of this Light Cone significantly drops when there are more than two enemies present. |
![]() Final Victor | Another free Light Cone. Despite how well Moze can maximize this Light Cone’s effect, the effect itself is not very good, making it worse than any of the options above. |
Relic Sets
![]() 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters | Moze has two debuffs in his kit, letting him take full advantage of the 2-Pc, and a majority of the 4-Pc Set Effect. He does not take turns after applying debuffs, which lets him have full uptime on the 4-Pc buff doubling effect. |
![]() 4-Pc The Ashblazing Grand Duke | This set provides a sizable amount of ATK, particularly on Moze’s follow-up attack and Skill. This bonus, paired with its Follow-up ATK DMG%, makes this set very competitive. |
Any | If you do not have viable pieces of the Relic Sets above, you may get better results running any Relics with better stats. Options include but are not limited to, 2-Pc ATK% sets, 2-Pc The Ashblazing Grand Duke, 2-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, 2-Pc Band of Sizzling Thunder, 4-Pc Genius of Brilliant Stars, or no Set Effect at all. |
Planar Ornaments
![]() Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves | Best-in-Slot. Moze almost always has another teammate to help ramp up its buff, and the Follow-up ATK DMG and CRIT DMG increase is extremely strong. |
![]() Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm | Viable alternative to Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves, assuming another character from The Hunt Path is on the team. Performs similarly to Inert Salsotto |
![]() Inert Salsotto | Another alternative to Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves due to the significance of Moze’s follow-up attacks and Ultimate damage. Performs similarly to Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm. |
![]() Body | ![]() Boots | ![]() Sphere | ![]() Rope |
CRIT* | ATK% | Lightning DMG Bonus > ATK% | ATK% |
*CRIT Rate Body is usually preferred thanks to how many sources of CRIT DMG Moze commonly has.
**Moze wants at least 80% of the other damage dealer’s SPD. This requirement, while important, is usually met regardless of how Moze is built.
Notable Synergies
Frequent Attackers
Moze is reliant on his allies’ attacks to trigger his own attacks and attacks frequently to support characters.
![]() Dr. Ratio | Dr. Ratio’s frequent attacks help drive Moze’s Talent. Even at E0, Moze provides two debuffs and potent damage amplification for Dr. Ratio through his Follow-up ATK DMG Vulnerability and CRIT DMG bonus. Both Dr. Ratio’s Ultimate and Moze’s “Prey” can only target one enemy at a time, and can trigger each other in tandem. With the correct setup, all follow-up attacks from Wiseman’s Folly can be triggered in a single turn. | ||
![]() Feixiao | Both Feixiao and Moze appreciate each other’s frequent attacks due to how their Talents function. Moze also provides ample DMG amplification to Feixiao’s Ultimate and Talent as they’re both considered to be Follow-up ATKs. | ||
![]() Counter Units: Clara, Yunli | While Clara and Yunli aren’t single-target attackers and thus have less inherent synergy, Moze can provide potent damage amplification for fights gated by single-target damage. Moze drastically increases the odds of them getting hit since he isn’t a target while in the Departed state. Also, Moze isn’t reliant on enemy attacks and can help Clara and Yunli take care of enemies that they would otherwise struggle with due to not being hit enough. |
These units both attack frequently and sustain the team.
![]() Aventurine | Aventurine attacks extremely frequently and has a debuff to help maximize 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, although its uptime is inconsistent. Inherently Unjust Destiny, Aventurine’s signature Light Cone, grants a significantly more consistent debuff and simultaneously increases Moze’s damage directly. Moze’s frequent follow-up attacks charge Aventurine’s Talent, increasing the number of Aventurine’s own follow-up attacks; Aventurine’s damage also benefits from Moze’s debuffs. | ||
![]() Lingsha | Lingsha is one of the most frequently attacking sustain units. While it is inconsistent, she does have a debuff to help maximize 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters on Moze. | ||
![]() Gallagher | Gallagher attacks quite often, helping Moze use his follow-up attack more frequently. He also provides two debuffs, letting Moze fully utilize 4-Pc Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters. Unlike the other sustain units, Gallagher’s actions are very controllable for properly managing Moze’s Charge, as he does not have any automatic actions, and can choose to use his Skill to avoid hitting the enemy in a single-target scenario. |
![]() Robin | Moze’s frequent attacks increase both Robin’s Energy gain and her personal damage during Concerto. While Moze is in his Departed state, Robin’s chance of getting hit for Energy increases. Moze and his teammates benefit from Robin’s powerful teamwide damage amplification, in particular her extra CRIT DMG to follow-up attacks, the majority of Moze’s damage. Her teamwide Action Advance reduces Moze’s downtime on “Prey” and lets his teammates consume more Charge with their extra turns. |
Dual Carry

This is the standard Moze setup. Due to the niche utility of his kit, his teams are limited. Moze usually needs another follow-up attack damage dealer to make use of his supportive utility and enable his damage.
Example Teams

In this team, Moze, Feixiao, and Aventurine all activate each other’s Talents for more frequent follow-up attacks. Moze provides potent damage amplification to both Feixiao and Aventurine, and Robin benefits from the rest of the team’s frequent attacks.
Feixiao and Aventurine should have SPD Boots, with Aventurine just barely outspeeding Feixiao. Robin removes the would-be gains of building a massive amount of SPD on Aventurine; a lower SPD allows Aventurine to better activate Moze’s Talent, and gives Aventurine room for a better stat spread. While it is most important for Moze to be at least 80% as fast as Feixiao, being at least 80% as fast as Aventurine is beneficial as well.
Due to how much damage Feixiao’s Ultimate does, it is often best to use it on an enemy Moze just recently marked to avoid wasting damage via overkill.

Moze and Gallagher collectively provide enough debuffs for Dr. Ratio.
Dr. Ratio should use SPD Boots and Gallagher should be SPD tuned to be just faster than him. This SPD tuning also enables Gallagher to better activate Moze’s Talent for increased damage.
To take advantage of Moze’s damage amplification, Wiseman’s Folly should only be triggered when Moze has the same enemy marked.
Robin’s Technique is ideal to use to improve her Ultimate uptime, as Dr. Ratio already gets enough debuffs from Gallagher and Moze. Moze or Gallagher’s Technique should be used to initiate combat, as Moze’s Technique increases his damage while Gallagher’s Technique increases sustain.

This team is less functional than the above variants, but viable nonetheless. Moze provides ample damage amplification for Clara’s follow-up attacks, even if it’s only on one enemy. Depending on the enemies, she can be one of the most frequent attackers, helping Moze do more damage by consuming Charge. Hanya’s buffs are not very significant compared to someone like Robin, but she has the notable benefit of supporting both Moze and Clara.
Moze’s ability to enter the Departed state, Lynx’s aggro buff, and Clara’s placement in the middle makes it extremely likely for Clara to get hit.
- 18 January 2025 – Published for v3.0